12166 Conway Road
St Louis, Missouri 63141
Education / Lifelong Learning
Adult Education
Temple Emanuel values education for all ages. Diverse Adult Education programs engage different people. We are confident you will find a way to broaden your mind. Check out one of the ongoing programs listed below to see which might be the next step in your Jewish learning journey:
Shabbat Study
Every Saturday morning from 10:00-11:00, we gather together in the Social Hall to study texts such as the weekly Torah portion, the weekly Haftarah portion (the corresponding reading to the Torah portion from one of the prophets), or other texts. No previous knowledge or study is required.
Each session is its own unit so students come and go as schedules allow. Our tradition teaches that we learn a great deal from our teachers, more from our colleagues, but most from our students. This is truly the setting in which we learn from one another, challenge each other and the texts, and celebrate the pure joy of learning and relationships.
Sunday Morning Adult Learning
On Sunday mornings once a month between October and April, while the Religious School students are having their classes, adults meet for their own learning! Sessions are 10-11:30 in the Social Hall. Topics vary each session and can include anything from music, to poetry, history, theology, and more. Topics will be published in TE's weekly e-blast.
Temple Emanuel is thrilled to host the St. Louis's Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. Melton is an international organization that sets the standard for high-quality, text-based, interactive Jewish study by offering world-class curriculum that informs and inspires students from all knowledge-levels and backgrounds. Melton offers adults the opportunity to acquire Jewish literacy in an open, trans-denominational, intellectually stimulating learning environment. To learn more about Melton courses, click here.