12166 Conway Road
St Louis, Missouri 63141
Social Programming
The Social Programming Committee coordinates many of TE’s social functions and assists in facilitating the programs initiated by other committees or individuals. The committee welcomes new ideas and volunteers to help expand TE’s engagement across a broader group of congregants and newer members
Our volunteers maintain an active planning calendar, sponsoring events that bring the TE family closer together.
CelebraTE Shabbat
Several times a year, we host dinner in our social hall for our service attendees at no cost. These special dinners give people a chance to socialize with friends and unwind from their day before going in to our Shabbat Service.
Tu Beshvat “Wine 101”
We celebrate the fruit of the vine with a wine tasting party that appeals to beginners as well as more experienced wine tasters.
Soup and Chili Cook-Off
This annual fundraiser for our confirmation class pits our families’ crockpots against each other in our search for the tastiest soups and chilis.
Purim Socials
During Purim we bring the adult members of the community together for a blow-out party. Karaoke, cocktails and costumes rule the day!
Girlfriend Gathering
Held in May, the TE Girlfriend Gathering provides an opportunity for our temple women (ages 18 and older), their friends, sisters, mothers, etc. to enjoy an early evening together over light appetizers and drinks. The focus of this social event is to celebrate relationships with female friends and family. Non-members are welcome guests!
Heritage Family Dinner
An annual family event, the Heritage Dinner invites our TE families to bring potluck items that represent a favorite recipe that has come down through their family’s generations. Our contributed dishes ranging from appetizer, salad, entrée, vegetable or dessert categories always seem to come with special family memories! At the end of the dinner, each family shares the history or meaning of what was brought to the meal.