12166 Conway Road
St Louis, Missouri 63141
In preparation for the High Holidays, we join together prior to Rosh Hashanah for an evening of study, prayers, classical music, and dessert. Selichot means forgiveness. On this sacred evening, we turn our hearts and thoughts to a place where we begin the process of asking for and granting forgiveness to one another and to ourselves. Join us for the evening in order to open your souls to a place where peace and wholeness meet tranquility and community.
Rosh Hashanah
In advance of the traditional celebration, we join with Bais Abraham Congregation for a pre-holiday hike and meditation at Queeny Park.
Yom Kippur
Our Kol Nidre service is enhanced with music by a symphony string musician.
Our CelebraTE Chanukah Dinner is followed by a family candlelighting in which each family brings their own menorah for a group lighting in the Sanctuary.
Each year Purim is celebrated with a special themed adults-only party; our members often attend in costume.
The TE Congregational Seder is celebrated on the second evening of Passover. It provides an opportunity for TE members to join together to share the story of freedom commemorating the Exodus from Egypt and the key to our own personal liberation. As recounted in our family-friendly Haggadah, we tell the Exodus story, discuss the Ten Plagues from ancient times as well as what afflicts our society today, eat symbols of slavery and freedom, and enjoy a festive meal. Through the rituals of Passover, we focus on bonding with one another and special opportunities for our children.
Our annual Women's Sedher has become an occasion for the members of Temple Emanuel to celebrate Passover with other women of our community. Open to friends, we gather during Passover to tell our stories, eat and learn more about how women continue to bring sanctity and celebration to this ancient ritual. We invite one another to share a story, speak about a woman we admire or recall a place we call home. Each year is a unique opportunity to learn more about one another and rejoice in the story of Miriam's Well and other mystical legends.
"Break the Crust" is a newer tradition at Temple Emanuel. Begun in 2015, it was another opportunity to join together to mark a hallowed moment in time. Our community marks the last day of Passover with pizza and salad. For those who like to mark the end of these days, and for all who love sharing a meal with our TE family, Break the Crust is a fun and casual gathering to bring out families together.
For this CelebraTE Dinner we serve a "Breakfast for Dinner" menu.